Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Helpful Information For Those Who Could Not Get A Flu Shot

Influenza-Flu, is a viral respiratory infection.
The elderly, people whose immune systems are impaired, and people who have chronic medical problems are at risk for more severe flu symptoms or complications.
A National epidemic of flu is common every year between November and March.
The usual first symptoms are:
fever (often 101 to 103), chills, sweating, muscle aches, headache.
The symptoms that soon follow may include:
runny nose, cough, sore throat, watery eyes & light sensitivity.
These acute symptoms last for 3-5 days.
They often start improving gradually after the first 48 hours or so.
Infection with the flu virus often leads to other infections. Such as, ear, sinus, & bronchial infections.
An unusual complication of flu is Reye's syndrome, which usually occurs in children & rarely occurs in adults. A link has been shown between the use of Aspirin during the flu & development of Reye's syndrome. For this reason it is best to AVOID aspirin use when you have the flu.
If the epidemic has begun & you have not been immunized but want protection, amantadine or rimantadine may be prescribed. These drugs can be taken on a daily basis during the flu outbreak to decrease your chances of getting the flu.
If you get the flu, the medicine can make your symptoms less severe.
The oldest method of avoiding the spread of infection is hand washing.


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