Friday, December 17, 2004

My ALL time Favorite FEEL GOOD Movie!

If you want to see one of the Greatest 'FEEL GOOD' movies ever, go rent
"The Simple Life of NOAH DEARBORN."
It is not out on DVD yet nor is it available for sale on VHS, though you can find places that will sell it at video store purchase prices of $50 & up!
Sydney Portier is Outstanding in this movie,
as he is in all his movies.
This is such a pleasant movie. If you are having a rough time in your life and need a boost, this movie will give it to you!
I just saw it again as I was recording it from my VHS to a DVD; I recently got a very nice Panasonic DVD recorder and am copying over many of my VHS to DVD format.
If you are looking for a good movie, during this holiday season, to watch with the family, then this is it.


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