Sunday, December 26, 2004

There's Something About Giving That Makes you Feel GOOD!

I really enjoy the holidays and friends Birthdays because I enjoy giving of myself in little, but special ways!
I find that the more you give, the more you get in return.
This is how it happened this year.
I really enjoyed the holiday spirit with my VFW & Military Order of The Cooties~The Honor Degree of the VFW, when we went to our state Veterans Home and donated and gave out new sox, toiletries and fresh fruit and goodies to the Vet Patients.
We also gave many items the Vet Home they can use for entertaining the patients, like Boom boxes and other need items.
I also went to the VA hospital and chatted with the Vet patients there and handed out fresh fruit and hard candies.
It was wonderful to see them light up that someone cared enough to spend time with them and chat and smile!
It made a world of difference for both them and us!
So...I find that my giving was returned by my friends and family in VERY dear gifts that will last and be a part of my life and add to its quality!
I hope you all had a splendid time and I hope the New Year brings us happiness and Peace to the world!


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