Monday, April 04, 2005

Book Review: Hidden Messages in Water

I just read a rather interesting little book. Masaru Emoto has been studying water crystals for more than a decade now and has now been doing a rather interesting body of study. He has been subjecting the purest water he can find, tap water being polluted with chlorine and lake water being polluted by people and smog. He has been using bottled water and has subjected these bottles to music, such as Beethoven and then heavy metal and found that after freezing the water would create beautiful crystals with the fifth symphony where as it would have mutated or nonexistent crystals with heavy metal music.
He then began subjecting the bottles to words, using various languages, and found the LOVE and GRATITUDE created the most beautiful of crystals where hateful and negative words cause no creation of crystals.
Further analysis had him find that the water can predict earthquakes, in that the water creates damaged and deformed crystals, if any at all, before an earthquake and yet after the water creates well formed crystals.
He then postulates on this that there is a vibration at which we all exist within and being made of 70% water, we humans should considered water more and ponder this relationship.
He might, shall I say, go off the deep end, but his study is worth investigating.
If you enjoy new scientific oddities that border on the religious realm, I recommend this book.


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