I LOVE High School students!
It may sound crazy, but I do!
I just attended a High School's Veteran's Remembrance Day Program and boy was it intriguing!
It was an All Day program where we Vets were settled into the library, choosing any of the tables to sit at and then students from the History classes, each period, would enter the library, rather than have their daily class routine, and choose and vet to sit with at their table and ask questions and hear stories from us Vets!
Well...I am a talker and I had a ball!
I cannot talk a lot about what I did in the Navy, being classified and all, but I did have stories to tell.
And when they seemed tongue tied I asked them questions, like "How would you feel if Iraq was like Vietnam and the President restarted the Draft?" "Would you ever think of joining the service and if so which one?"
Funny how that made them start thinking of questions to ask!
I sat with my youngest VFW Post member, who returned from Iraq almost two years ago. He was one of the Marines in the initial insurgence to clear Iraq.
We both brought pictures and items. One of the items he brought was a Time magazine BOOK titled something like "The First 21 Days in Iraq."
On page four of this book there is a photo of the edge of a troop caravan heading towards their supply depot. The photo is just the edge of the trucks and Humvees because it is centered on a rearview mirror with the face of a Marine, very emotional, with frustration and unease.
That Marine is none other than my fellow Comrade and Post member Justin Ulrich!
They say one picture speaks a thousand words, well this one certainly does!
I do feel these students went away with some of the meaning to our pursuit of happiness and understanding that 'Freedom isn't Free!'
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