Saving My Eyesight
I have always had very good vision & even with aging & needing glasses my farsightedness has been a positive thing rather than a negative.
I do have what is called 'narrow angle glaucoma' which of course the glaucoma part is what everybody latches on to first.
So, this Narrow Angle thing is always checked during my annual eye exam and because the eye Docs always want to dilate your eyes to better view the back of your eye, I wind up having to stay in the office all day.
Because of this Narrow Angle stuff the tiny outlets for the fluid to pass out of the front of the eye to the back cannot do that and thus my pressure increases in the eye and could cause blindness.
So, the specialists set me up to take care of the problem. Yesterday was my appointment.
The glaucoma specialist checked my eyes as well and she stated that it wasn't an issues of IF this could happen to me, but WHEN! She said I was a walking time bomb.
So with that I signed the release form & sat in front of a laser gizmo that the eye Docs said would cut an tiny hole into my iris allowing the fluid to drain if necessary.
I was told I wouldn't see a light nor feel any heat or anything.
At the sound of a tap the eye Doc turned on the laser & it felt like a hot ice pick was stabbed into my eye!
Then I find he has to keep doing this to get through all the layers of the Iris!
I saw gold stars and then red ones. When I started seeing red ones the Doc mentioned "There's some bleeding but that is to be expected." I said "Yeah I can see the blood!"
I was so close to fainting it was only fear of embarrassment that kept me in my chair, plus I was afraid of him cutting something else in my eye if I moved!
They were all surprised when I mentioned how painful it was & how I saw the blood.
I was also pissed that they didn't mention I would be temporarily blinded in that eye.
So here I am not told they have to turn on the laser like 8 times on my eye, or that it could hurt like freaking hell or that I would be temporarily blinded.
With all this I am told to come back next week to check the left eye & for them to do the right!
Like I'm supposed to look forward to it!
I guess it's better than going blind though!
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