Why so few women in the VFW?
I am dealing with a bunch of older guys - I am the Commander of my VFW Post and, as a woman of the Baby Boomer era, I am young enough to be the grand daughter of most of my fellow comrades at the Post!
I love these guys and respect the heck out of them, even if the post smells like moths balls!
Our Oldest is the highest honored & medaled WWII Vet in our county and we just celebrated his 62nd anniversary of membership in the VFW with our Post!
We are loosing these wonderful Comrades faster than we can replace them and yet, we are in a war!
The thing that gets me is that, being a woman and having had many female Shipmates while serving in Theatre in the Former Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Kosovo conflicts, why are there so few women in the VFW?
Just before I was disability retired from the US Navy, my chain of command was entirely female from me up!
I was only a Lead Petty Officer of my shop.
I DO believe I hold the answer to this, though how would the women who have not joined the VFW know this.
All of the Rituals and Prayers of the VFW are established with the thought of the Christian, white, male.
I am doing what I can to have these Gents understand how difficult they make it for others to join when they are so closed minded.
Sometimes the guys will say, after a Pot Luck and prior to our meeting, OK men over in our room and the women stay in here-(The women being members of the VFW Auxillary, either a wife or daugher of a VFW Comrade.)
I jokingly say "Hey! there you go trying to change my sex again!"
The National percentage of women joining the VFW is 2%, with African Americans at 5% and Hispanics at 6%.
All these percentages are too low and the women make it lower, since we fill the African American and Hispanic ratios as well!
I hope that soon the VFW and it's very male population realizes the enormity of loss they have created and work to correct this.
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