Friday, March 11, 2005

Old Men & Their Need of Power

What is it about old guys & power?
It seems I am coming across this a lot!
Old Farts who were in position of authority & are not now, yet still stake claim on the power.
I am speaking of this from a VFW point of view.
I am female, younger by a generation or more & wasn't drafted to go to war, I chose to serve & there happened to be wars I served through and for.
Well..I am having a shakedown with one particular member of my VFW Post; mind you, I AM the Post Commander! That's right! These guys elected me Post Commander last year and yet this one guys is disrespectful.
The embarrassing thing was that he spouted of disrespectfully during a meeting with visitors from another Post!
So now other know what an A**hole he is too!
The Visiting Post Commander pulled me aside after the meeting and told me what he would have done. At 6.7 and 360 pounds and MALE;
I would have done the same, but I am young, newly retired from the Navy & FEMALE!
I don't want to piss this guy off and lose him as a member, I want him to learn a lesson and get on with it!
I felt I did right and at the next meeting I intend to apologize to the members for not having taken a stronger role of authority and I will let them know I plan to in the future.
I think this will let both them and the jerk know I will not tolerate this nonsense on my watch!
Everyone says this jerk is like this because he was Post Commander before me and just doesn't want to lose the power.
Why are these guys like this?
Are they that insecure?
They really do need to get a life!


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