Donating my Full Dress Navy Blue Uniform
At the Mid-Winter VFW Convention I was asked by one of the State Legislators for Oregon Veteran Affairs if I would donate one of my uniforms to them and if I would send them information of my military tours.
I sent a packet of information and a resume'.
Then just last month I attended the Oregon Women Veterans Conference. Over 360 women veterans attended. In the back of the huge pavilion, lined up along the wall were many uniforms from all the militaries and all female. I looked at them and wound up walking straight up to...ME! There was a set of dungarees with my military service profile on a sign and a photo of me! The 'Mac' spoke with me later during the conference and again begged me for a uniform. I asked Dress Blue or Dress Whites, knowing he would say Blues because they had plenty of Dreww White Jumpers in the collection. He asked if I would add medals rather than just the ribbon set.
The medals are a bit costly so I told him I would meet him halfway and do the small Dinner Dress Mess medals. Well...I changed my mind and just a couple of days ago I drove up to Bremerton Navy Base in the Puget Sound in Washington; the closest Navy Base with a full uniform store, and purchased all my medals and a four ribbon bar with ribbons.
Soon I will get them together and mail my uniform to the Capital. I believe this is a way for me to celebrate my service and rather than thinking of the negative I can smile on the positive.
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