Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Too Much Screaming From Kids These Days!

Is it just me or do you also find that more kids these days scream!
I have noticed it on TV & here in my neighborhood.
I have two little girls in my neighborhood who will scream at the top of their lungs!
It is very annoying & quite distressful as that I am a veteran of the Bosnia/Kosovo campaigns.
I certainly believe in screaming if you see a car bomb or land mine go off, but these kids have no reason to scream!
They should also know that when something terrible might happen no one will come to their aid because we all are so used to hearing them scream!
I have talked to the parents and children both till I was blue as this print! They just don't get it & I am to the point of sending them my PTSD Pysch bill from the VA!
Nothing constructive can come from screaming...
Unless you are having fun on a roller coaster!


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