Sunday, February 06, 2005

Super Bowl Sunday

I can't say I have watched any of the football games this year.
So I am not inclined to watch the Super Bowl.
I was stationed overseas for many, many years and the Super Bowl was/is Very Big!
It is a way that we as Americans can celebrate our Americanism in our Sport of football!
So it became a special thing to have a Super Bowl Party and watch the game.
This means, with the time difference, watching the game into the wee hours of the morning.
Many Commands and I did this is my shop, set it up so that those watching the game could come in late, at noon.
Then the others who didn't, like myself, would leave work at noon when the Super Bowlers and their red eyes would arrive!
The only game I stayed up late to see, while overseas, was the Masters Golf Tournament.


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