Tuesday, March 22, 2005

My Local Veteran's Park

Here I am a Veteran & I had never been to my local Veteran's Park. Of course I have only lived in this area for two years.
I was very impressed with this small yet cozy piece of land donated to the city on the understanding it only be used as a park.
There is a huge marble sign engaging the visitor's eyes that this is the Veteran's Park and that of course means ALL Veteran's. It has the brass seal for all five military departments. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force & Coast Guard.
On four short walls encircling this marble cast are stamped bricks with the names of various Veterans and there service, time & war(s). Some are Bricks labeling a group or organization. My VFW District has a Brick and so does my Military Order of The Cootie Pup Tent 1.
There are many from WWI & WWII and there is a special area that are bricks for our heros of today returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
As I walked through this area, accompanied by my VFW District Commander, I found myself walking memory lane on my own experiences during Bosnia & Kosovo. The Missions, the Friends & experiences for good and bad.
I'm glad there is a place like this for all to take their own walk down memory land. We should never forget, as we say in the VFW: All Gave Some, Some Gave All. They should not be forgotten & the community needs to know the cost of Freedom, because Freedom isn't FREE!


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