Friday, September 01, 2006

Movie Review

I had the chance to see two movies this week:
"V for vendetta" & the 2002 movie "Close your Eyes."
V for vendetta has some of the quick action & blood that follows suit with movies like Matrix; Funny that Hugo Weaving was in V.. as well as Matrix!
Though you never see V because he wears a Mardi Gras type artistic mask throughout the film.
Natalie Portman pulls off her character in following Joseph Campbell's Mythic Hero, by beginning the story unwillingly & yet being captured into the mix & gaining a prize by the end.
There is a heavy dialogue which makes the movie a must see repeat.
The art direction, sets & costumes create this dynamic production into an almost, but not quite, believable film.
Worth seeing in my book at least once!
Close your Eyes - 2002 film opens with a couple that recently moved to London via the US because of insomnia the husband suffered & later in the movie the reasoning adds the husband's profession of Hypnotherapist with telepathic abilities, had suffered at the hands of the media over the death of a patient.
The husband gets pulled into a hunt for a serial killer, by Scotland yard.
The story delves rather heavily on a special occult theme, but never explains itself sufficiently...only dabbling around the edges, with name dropping, to tantilize the viewer & frustrate them.
A fare film to watch, my only reason was to see more work by LOTR's Actor Miranda Otto who plays the pregnant wife of the therapist.


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