Saturday, October 07, 2006

Why We Fight (2005)

This documentary runs the line of history that parallels our industrialization & is explained with Churchill's term of "The Military Industrial-Complex."
It leads on by explaining how the US has partnered its military with commerce and contract bidding and has
thus formulated a 'military-machine.'
The film provides the stand that the US political stand has brought us into military actions/wars every ten years or decade since WWII.
Thus fueling the American military-machine and adding to the lies spread into the American public so that the US retains world dominance. The interviews in the film include John McCain, Chalmers Johnson, Richard Perle, William Kristol, Gore Vidal and Joseph Cirincione.
The film also incorporates the a broad span of emotion, from a Vietnam Vet to the World Trade Center attack and so on.
There is, in this film, the truth that was held back from "WE THE PEOPLE" for so long.
For anyone wanting to know the truth and have it explained you must see this film.
This film shows the lies we were led to believe and why we allowed our sons and daughters to go to war in Iraq.
A must see film!


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