Wednesday, September 29, 2004

My Tarot Card is The Emperor Card!

I took the test & found I am the Emperor Card!
It says: You are the Emperor card.
The Emperor leads the way into the world that
The Empress allowed us to experience.
He is the archetype of the Father who provides the organization and structure of the world.
The Emperor is the government,
and as such represents control.
At this stage in The Fool's Journey,
there is no need to deviate from the status quo.
By participating actively in society, we come to an understanding of social structure.
The Emperor applies the laws and rules for us to follow. The Emperor is the first of the zodiacal attributions in the major arcana.
He shares with Aries a creative energy and,
at his best, responsibility for the subjects in his charge.
At his worst he can become domineering and authoritarian.


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