Friday, December 30, 2005

Nothing Can Be Scarier Than a Call From Your Lawyer!

With my Social Security Appeal won and now behind me I was nervous when caller ID on my phone said the incoming call was my lawyer! Did something go wrong, was it all a dream that I had won, is fate pitching me yet another curve ball!
So I answer and yes it was my lawyer mentioning 'We have a problem.' She described the timeframe of my disability and that the VA had back dated my Disability to when I came stateside during my disability Retirement paperwork. So that it could be moved back to 2002 because I was making too much money and that we should keep with the March 2003 date and subtract Social Security's five month rule.
WOW! She had forgotten that we discussed this way back at our very first meeting and that she had stated that chances were I would not be able to do this because of my income during that time!
I reminded her of the conversation and told her I didn't expect them to back date it and that March 2003 is fine with the subtraction of the five month rule. WHEW! I thought it was a bad one, but come to find even lawyers can check and recheck issues and I am glad to have received the call and know all is going well on my paperwork with the Social Security!


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