Friday, February 11, 2005

My Best Friend & Stuffed Mushrooms

My Dear Best Friend was there for me when I needed a place to stay for a few months.
The economy had gone into the toilet back in '89 and by '90 I had not prospects left and was working under the table at odd jobs.
Cinders took me in and I began my plans to join the military. After trying with the Marine Corps, who wouldn't take me since I was way over their enlistment age of 28, I went with the Navy.
I was a DEP-Delayed Entry Program because I chose an AEF-Advanced Electronic Field.
So I kept working odd jobs and lived with Cinders and her #1 Girl!
She always had wonderful meal ideas and one night she made the most awesome Stuffed mushrooms!
I LOVE mushrooms and had never had stuff ones before! WOW! They were delicious!
Well...Cinders is going through some health issues and I decided I wanted to do something to make her feel close to me!
I made stuffed mushrooms last night! I put my heart into making them and WOW! were they fantastic! I marveled at myself for creating a delightful recipe, as that I didn't have the prescribed ingredients, so I altered it and they were great! I think they were so good because my Dear friend was with spirit at least!
Cinders! I hope you felt the Love and Joy last night!


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