Thursday, November 30, 2006

Buy now Die later

It may seem odd to many people, but I have bought my cemetery plot and am paying now for a pre-planned funeral and burial.
Though I have paid into the standard life insurance betting pool of-I bet so much money that I'll live until I die.
It is a small portion that should cover any odd sorted costs and should cover travel arrangements for the executor of my will.
I like having it taken care of now, so that I, the person the funeral is intended for, have a choice in the matter.
Recently I was talking to a buddy and his wife and found out that they too have begun their pre-planned funeral and burial!
I know that when the time comes I shant hold on to the fragment of life concerned with the outcome of my burial. I can rest at peace because I took it upon myself to care for ME!
I love my plot because it is high on a hill with trees around and all my neighbors, that are already there, are a small melting pot-they are from all over the world-Japanese, Chinese, Polish, German etc..
I cannot say I look forward to my final resting place, but I know it gives me peace of mind to have it already planned and paid for.


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