Monday, November 13, 2006

Fed Up With Republican Brow Beatings

Good Grief!
I am so sick and tired of the snide remarks and lies my Republican so-called friends are hammering out and repeating!
Number One: I know no Democrat who is into flag burning, though I do not appose it on the auspices that we women have less rights under the Constitution than the flag!
Is it that Republicans are less educated, groomed and socially seasoned than we?
Any Republican that has come out with a negative Hillary comment that I have cornered asking them why is she such a Bitch, could never tell me why!
I have nothing to go by on this.
I know we Dems had a few of our own, such as-I can't wait for 2008 or I believe in Abstinence: No Bush and No Dick!
But this heckling lately since the Mid-Term Turn-Over is ridiculous!


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