Mission Impossible III
The Mission Impossible movies I & II were great action entertainment - so when I had the chance to see III, now that the DVD is out, I jumped at it!
They are getting into more and more technical wonders that make the movie that much more interesting.
It appears the writers & producers, like Tom Cruise and Paula, are attempting to be exacting & believable; but I had to shake my head at the unbelievable scenes of the cocktail party in the Vatican.
Not as much the party as the women! They have a strict dress code in Vatican City and a woman in a slinky dress cut up the side to show all that skin would NEVER be allowed!
For the 5.5 years I served the US Navy & NATO in Italy there were many tours I had taken, as well as friends & we were ALWAYS reminded prior to the tour of the dress code! No shorts, tube or tank tops. Shoulders must be covered and dresses or skirts 4 inches past the knees minimum.
I recall a couple of people having to stay on the tour bus the entire time we were in Vatican City because they did not follow this dress code.
I wish that movies were a little more critical and believable such areas.
Reminds me of that really stupid movie STEALTH with Jamie Fox.
He must have a new house he had to pay for so he took this acting job.
The movie shows this hovering jet stealth land like a hover craft right on the Korean DMZ! DUH!!!!
With a mile wide mine field the craft and the people would have been blown to smithereens!
Let's get real here people!
Why not create intelligent films for us intelligent people!
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