Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Computer Day is here!

My brother and I are building my super computer today!
We are almost out the door to pick up all the goodies!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Hunt

Quietly moving right out in the open he ponders the scene with only one partner to watch his back. As he fires he does so it quick bursts without clear aim. Directing most of his shot toward his target to the front of the house.
Sounds like many of the stories that came from my time dealing with Kosovo and Bosnia, but this is a tale of two Jr. High School boys with an air gun right now in my cul-de-sac and children are riding their bikes!
What part of this is OK! Why don't parents do their job and no only teach their children, but watch-out for the times they make errors!

Friday, February 24, 2006


I had ordered this cool cane from a catalog company. The cane is hand carved and from Poland. Well low and behold it was backordered...Then backordered yet again! Finally I received a notice the catalog company cancelled my order!
I contacted them and they seemed confused and said they would print off my order and submit it to their supervisor.
The next day I received an Email stating they were again ordering it for me!
Today I noticed the money has been taken from my bank account, so truly I should finally receive this neat cane!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Almost out of Wood

I am almost out of wood for the winter and yet we had some high winds last week and it blew large branches down from my Poplars, so now I can cut them up and burn them!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Good Friends

Good Friends are ones you can call and wind up chatting all night long!
I have a dear friend who retires from the Navy in a couple of months and I wanted to see how she is doing.
She will be moving to live near her mother who lives in a care home.
I hope all goes well for her, but retiring, packing and moving is a heck of a lot of stress!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Lazy Day

Oh Man am I having one of those days where I don't want to do anything but satisfy my own needs!
I feel guilty because I just got a call to remind me about a VA Hospital Visitation my organization is doing today and I know how important this is and yet I don't want to go out!
I need a few things at the store and I don't want to go!
I want to putter in the house and read!
I may twist a few people, but if they are friends they should understand that sometimes I need my space.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Windy Days

It has been SO windy the past couple of days that I haven't even wanted to be outside!
My back yard is covered with fallen branches from my large poplar!
The nice thing about it is it is nice and sunny, but the wind is icy cold!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Building a New Computer

My Brother and I went shopping to decide if it would be better for me to buy a new computer system or build one. No question building it is the way to go!
I bought 2 250Gig Hard Drives on sale and we found the sound system, Video & Sound Card, mother board, processors & monitor for better than I would have gotten premade!
I'll have a wireless keyboard & mouse. A Flat screen 19-21" monitor, 500 Gig Hard Drive space, 3 Gig processor & 2 gig RAM! Plus we are getting the top line Sound & video cards!
Now for the money to roll in so I can get it all!

Monday, February 13, 2006

No More Bulk Mailing

I am Done!
The last Bulk Mailing I have to do for my organization is off!
Now to set up some CDs to burn with the mailing list and stuff like that to hand over to the next Adjutant!
I like making things easier for the next guy, better than what I was given!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Saturday Night Movies

I saw 'Aviator' & 'In Her Shoes' last night.
Both a very good. 'In Her Shoes' is an interesting movie about two sisters. I really liked the storyline and how both sisters grew and learned how important the other is to them.
'Aviator' played on the OCD issues Hughes had that were difficult to hide. I could've watched Cate Blanchett in a complete movie just on Katharine Hepburn. Marvelous! No doubt she earned every ounce of the Oscar for that role!
Good fliks!

Thursday, February 09, 2006


I happen to like Mary-Kay line of products and use both the skin care items and make-up!
Funny how my consultant just moved 7.5hrs away and I cannot get hold of her for my order! She even had a 1-800 number she states she will reply to all calls within 24hrs, which I have proven her wrong!
Onward to another consultant who can take my orders!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

VFW Mid-Winter Council of Administration

Well we had our VFW CofA this weekend!
All went well and I enjoy talking with some of these guys who have held office in the VFW. They have given me pointers on becoming an officer myself and I am in their gratitude.
When I returned home I found that the VFW Dept. Newspaper arrived and there is a photo of me, another VFW comrade & the USMC Ceremonial Drill Platoon on the front page! WOW! I had sent that in months ago and they finally printed my story!
They also printed the photo and story, on the back page, of our District Voice of Democracy Dinner 7 Auction showing our District Chair selling a collectible VFW cookie tin.
What was so surprising is that the darned guy actually said 'Thank You,' for submitting it, to ME!
We don't get along, but he made points with me when he thanked me!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Washington is Ready for the Big Game!

So once a month I drive up to Washington, to do my grocery shopping on base at the Commissary.
I noticed yesterday on my shopping, that everyone was dressed in Seattle Seahawks stuff!
Boy are they ready! Go SEAHAWKS!

My Mother

It has been a month almost since she was here visiting and staying with my brother three houses down from mine.
I had a tissy with her earlier in the year and promised to bury the hatchet.
So she brings her laptop my brother had bought her some time ago. She had changed Email addresses and I didn't have the new one so she asked for mine and popped it into her system and sent me an Email, she said, so I would then have hers. Well when I got home from visiting with her at my brother's house, I see I hadn't received an Email from her and the last time to see her was the next evening. I reminded her and she said she would send one right away when she got home as she had already packed her laptop.
Well...It's been a month now! Good thing I didn't hold my breath!