Monday, July 31, 2006

Supporting A Friend's Effort

Sometimes we wind up swimming up stream against the current. Well this is something I am going to be doing, as that a buddy of mine had initiated work to have another post group installed within our military organization. Yet the new incoming Commander stalled it so that it would happen during his year NOW rather than my buddies year which is now past!
I am expected to attend and participate in the installation of this new group, but as a friend I cannot do this whole-heartedly and will thus bow out.
I believe there will be some friction because of this, but all I know is the honor and integrity of a friend and I will stand by that!

Friday, July 28, 2006

How UnCool!

So I got a call from my brother, as he was on his way to work last night. Come to fins out, he had expected to have the entire weekend to move out of their house they just sold and into their house they just bought! But, NO! Their realtor hosed up! They have to be out of their old house by 5 PM today!
So here is my brother working off his graveyard shift at Intel with a ton of buddies loading up furniture and household items into trucks and trailers all in a ditch effort to get the entire thing done and out of the house by 5 PM!
I would be up in arms and expecting compensation from the Realtor!
That's just uncool!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The 4400

I was told about this show by a friend. I don't necessarily keep up with new TV shows. So I decided it was time to see the first season. Only being 2 DVD's, I did just that last night! Now I can see what all the hoopla is about! I have to say it is about as exciting a storyline as LOST! I am now looking forward to seeing season two!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Fight Back at the Junk Mailers

I was told by another person on a Blog that they were fighting back against all these credit card companies that send you their supposed deal!
Well what he said was to take all the paperwork and even the envelope that it came in and put it into the return address and send it back!
I have been doing this for about a week now and if anything, I feel better about how I am dealing with this nonsense!
Do it! The more of us that do the higher the mailing costs for these companies and maybe they will stop!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Back to Being Myself

It's been seriously warm here, but cannot complain since we only get 3-digit temps for a couple weeks of the summer.
Am feeling better and hoping I can come to a conclusion of resolving my lapses in memory and not taking my meds.
I will stay optimistic!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Bad Days Happen

When you have disabilities you learn that you will have bad days, although many of my bad days start out with me forgetting to take my meds!
I had a dosey of a bad day yesterday!
It all began at 4:20 AM when I awoke with a violent migraine that had me up and as sick as a dog the rest of the day!
I was able to nap a bit. I wound up staying in bed, missing a BBQ I had intended on going to, and with my migraine so bad I couldn't even read!
It was a day of TV and lounging under the ceiling fan to stay cool!
Boy am I glad I feel better today!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Cootie Lunch Fun at The Veteran's Home

Well..Even with the high temperature, which didn't exceed 102F, we did not BBQ, but had a splendid time with the residents!
This is my Email Pal shown with me in my Military Order of The Cootie Grand of Oregon Surgeon scrub & stethoscope & of course my Cootie Fez!
We had fun, the residents had fun & we brought lots of goodies & gifts for Xmas in July!
I myself donated around twenty new & used jig saw puzzles.

Friday, July 21, 2006

You Can't Scare Us Vets Away!

We've had a high heat index this week with it going into scorching degrees for tomorrow!
Just when my Vet organization has planned to go to the Veteran's Home and BBQ for them And also have Xmas in July! We have tons of goodies for them and this year we decided to do this in the Summer because there are so many Veteran organizations that do theirs in the winter!
Well, with the high temps planned for tomorrow and the fact that there is little to no shade outside the Vet Home, they wanted us to cancel!
NO WAY! They can't Scare us that easily!
My car isn't that old and I just changed the oil and have new tires, so I'm going!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hang Nails

Today is a gripe!
I have NEVER had trouble with Hang Nails growing up until just a few years ago!
What is it with these darned things!
They are so annoying and painfull!
I have one on my right pinky and all the painfull scrapping in the world only causes more pain!
If anyone knows a trick to getting rid of them quickly and painlessly please advise me!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A Good Talk

I have been known, as we all have sometime in our lives, to misunderstand a person and feel put out by them.
This may be the case, but last night I had a heart-to-heart talk with a Vet Officer whom I had felt was un-nerving me on purpose.
At least we have come to an agreement that if there is a situation we will confront one another at that time.
I feel better about it than pouting to others that is for certain, but not knowing him well I wasn't sure of facing up to him either!
Let's just see how his year in office in this Vet organization is!

Friday, July 14, 2006

I will be UA to my Post Meeting

I have decided not to attend this month's Post meeting, which is tonight, because I am just worn out on the business and now that I am not Post Commander, it is the first time I can chose to go or not to go in two years!
I chose not to go and listen to the old codgers complain about why they cannot get any new members to attend-they don't realize that no one wants to sit around a bunch of complaining old codgers!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Two Companies To Not Shop With

I have just put in 3 beautiful ceiling fans in my house! What makes then so wonderful is that I picked them out myself. Though the trouble with them was all the time it took to get all the right parts to them!
I was given the recommendation to use The Fan and did. Boy am I sorry I did!
From not having any parts necessary to not getting the parts, I had one headache after another and realize that this company sells so many products form so many companies and they do not train their employees on them.
I finally had to contact the Fan manufacturer to get the answers I needed and the told the Fan Shack to send me those items per the manufacturer!
Any company that wants to stay in business ought to have their employees trained on the products, especially since there are always seminars and workshops given by the manufacturers for such a reason!
The other company I dealt with and will not waste my time with them again is and why is because I had ordered 2 pairs of bookends.
One set was shipped one and and supposedly the other on the next day.
After three weeks I contacted them and inquired about my missing bookends. They said they would have to run a search through USPS and that it would take up to ten working days.
So here I am a month plus out on a pricey set of bookends and still I do not have them!
Then yesterday I get an Email from them saying that their warehouse NEVER shipped them!
So I waited through ten extra days to find out it was their stupidity! And I AM STILL AWAITING THE BOOKENDS! I will let you all know when I finally receive them!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Jane seems so down

My dear friend Jane seems so down.
We talked on the phone last night while she mentioned driving to North Carolina to stay at her sister's for a spell as that next month her sister will be going on vacation and needs and to take all the calls from the nurses the hospice where their mother is staying.
I am also thinking that Jane is needed to help out at her sister's Bed-n-Breakfast while she is on vacation.
Whatever the issue, you would expect somebody who has just retired from the Navy, has her condo up for sale with a sumly profit, finally ended a very useless relationship & has the world at her feet would not sound so burdened!
It makes me realize the truth about the grass being greener and I'll take my grass and my life everyday I wake up!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Down Time

I have been so busy with Vet stuff working on projects and assorted other things that I just am worn out!
I suppose I just need and want some time to myself and yesterday I did, though I feel I could do so for a week or more and still not think it is enough!
I am really enjoying being a recluse.
I have my house set up the way I want and would rather be here in it than anywhere else!
I do believe that this year I am cooling off a lot of the hectic projects I was doing last year! Time to enjoy the pleasures in life.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Having a crummy day

Considering all my disabilities issues, I should be happy that I do not have too many crummy days, but today I feel horrid.
I will just lay low and know that in a day or so it'll pass and I can go on in denial of my problems.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Another Great VET FRIENDLY Company!

I happened to need a new Croakies for my reading glasses. Those who don't know the company-they began as sports retainers for your glasses and spread to the jeweled type you expect to see on librarians, yet I think are and can be quite cool and a nice accessory to your wardrobe!
So...Believing in ordering online, I went to them, the Croakies Company, rather than to an eyeglasses shop etc... Boy am I glad I did!
They are much cheaper to buy directly AND after having received such a friendly reply about my order, I replied back telling them how I had been using Croakies on my sunglasses and glasses since I was a Land Surveyor in Southern Califonia and working on Nixon's Library-to going into the US Navy and serving overseas on the conflicts of the Former Yugoslavia, Bosina-Herzegovina and Kosovo and that I considered none other than Croakies for my eye glass retainers!Then today received, not only my order, but 2 extra fabulous Croakies! Their cost is WELL worth the purchase and some can be used as eyeglass retainers or as a Choker! How neat is that!
So one of the extras I have decided will go to my Email/Pen Pal buddy at the Oregon Vet Home.
This company is VERY VET FRIENDLY!
I highly recommend them to any and all who are looking for head gear, glasses retainers and many other sport products! Check them out-you will wonder why it took you so long to find them!

Fight Against Alzheimers

I have been told that I am 40% more likely to get Alzheimers because of my two near fatal vehicle accidents in which I suffered Closed-Head-injuries. Because of the brain bouncing around and severe concussions.
I have read much on the topic and found all specialists recommend crossword puzzles and other brain games.
Basically, they say, the brain should be treated just like another muscle in your body and you should exercise it or as said you can 'use it or lose it!'
Because of this I am doing my best to change me passwords to various website more often. It's the little things like that I am sure will help. I read Terri Garr's book Speed Bumps where she speaks candidly on her MS issues and how she spends a large amount of time playing Freecell on her computer. That started me doing it to...Well maybe not lots of time, but while having my coffee and before I read my paper I try to get in a few games of it.
Alzheimers steals ones dignity and all of us should fight the good fight to reduce the chances of succumbing to it!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Local Bank

Boy am I pissed!
My local bank, the one I really only have for a safe deposit, well I deposited a sum of money in it thinking I would use it more actively.
I messed up and overdrafted at the grocery store and now they have charged me triple!
Well! I should have known!
I will NOT us this bank for more than the damned safe deposit box!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Glad the 4th is over

I have to say that after spending 5.5yrs in Italy with all their fireworks every night in the summer and 3hrs long on New Year's Eve, I am over any excitement that the 4th gave me as a kid.
All the noise and smell of gun smoke is only too real and makes me think of my fellow Vets who may be suffering with PTSD during all this!
Today is the fifth and I am expecting my FIOS installers. I am sick to death of various hassles I have had with the internet and am finally going fiber today!
About time! I built fiber optic systems in the Navy!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Mother Nature is adding her own sounds to the 4th of July!

There's a sound of thunder in the air and it isn't all from the kids in the neighborhood letting of firecrackers!
Mother Nature and her cloudy skies is letting of a few thunderous bursts, though I don't expect any rain.
I have to say that I am bored with all the firecrackers.
After 5.5yrs in Italy and every Summer there would be weddings with tons of fireworks in the evenings and then tons more on New Years eve.
I feel for my Vietnam Vet buddies who experience a little stress from the sound.
I hope this holiday goes without any injuries or incidence.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Why Does It Always Seem That My Mom Loses

I don't know why it seems that my mom always loses, or seems to be as loser, but here again she had bought a Condo years ago. I had suggested to her NOT to buy a condo, but a house on property as that a Condo is such that you do not even own the space where the end of your nail goes into a wall to hang a picture. Well she did anyway and with housing costs sky rocketing and the fact my Brother and I live far north of her, she put her condo on the market and my brother assisted her fixing up the place to sell. He had been insisting she move up here to the Pacific Northwest near us. It finally came that the condo got a bid, not as much as my mom wanted, but my brother insisted she take it and move up here. She she accepted the offer and before final papers were signed by the other party, my brother drove a U-Haul down to Southern California and moved my mother up here to stay with him until the sale was final.
I just heard from my mom yesterday that the sale fell through. So now her condo is still up for sale and all her belongings and herself are up here!
I hope things work out for her...I really do! She always seems to get the smelly end of the stick!