Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Interesting Book

I just finished Sean Astin's book:
'There And Back Again: An Actor's Tail'
Interesting, but he is very into himself. I know we all are, but he seems to be needy of the limelight and frequent it possibly stealing it from others more deserving.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day

We had a nice Memorial Day ceremony today at the local Memorial Park. My VFW has been doing it there for forever! The VFW established a General Order #11 back in 1898 to remember our fallen Comrades and those who have passed along the way.
I was proud to be the Master of Ceremonies as VFW Post Commander and show my respects to my fallen Comrades.
I hope all spent a moment thinking of those who served so that our flag still waves above a free people!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

A Frugal Beverage

I am always finding ways to make every penny count and I found a nice tasty way today!
It is along the lines of a punch drink that many have made for parties.
I mixed a glass of 1/2 Crystal light and 1/2 diet Squirt & found the taste to be amazingly nice and crisp.
I used the Strawberry/Banana/Orange Crystal Light.

iPod music importing hint

If you are a Techno-Weannie like me and also chose not to have a mega-Gig music library retained on your computer, as the iTunes software is set up by default to load into the iPod anything you have in your iTunes library and thus by default it will delete anything you have removed, I recommend going into the advanced tab and click on my iPod and change the importing to manual.
Then all you need do is import your music to your iTunes library file and then, with the iPod connected, drag the songs to my iPod icon and the software does the rest!
**I also found it best to load the songs into the library without the iPod connected then close the iTunes and connect the iPod and reopen iTunes for transfer.
I chose not to keep my iPod connected throughout, though doing so helps to charge the iPod battery if needed.

Friday, May 27, 2005

VFW Post Officer Installation

Tonight was my VFW Post Officer Installation.
I was retained for another year as Post Commander and the other Officers were retained as well.
The Post Ladies Auxiliary had their Installation in conjunction.
We have our installation separate from our meeting so as to invite family and friends to attend.
It was a lovely ceremony and I had the pleasure of having another Post come up to do the color guard and by my Officer-of-the-Day.
The only kink was we had a record hot day of 93!
WHEW! And me in a long sleeved blouse and VFW Blazer jacket!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

It's beginning to feel like Summer

Summer weather is upon us here in the Pacific Northwest.
I pulled out my floor fans and the house windows are now open.
I know there will be on and off warm days now until Summer really arrives and my windows will stay open.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Well...I DID it!

I finally broke down and got an iPod!
I had been wanting one for some time...Well! Who hasn't!
So I had to go to Frys to bring in my warranted All-in-one printer for repair and get a loaner and thought, I should go have another look and those iPods.
I had checked them out on line and decided that, for me, the 20Gig model was the best all around for use of money and capacity of songs etc..
I have roughly 1/2 of my music now stored in Mr. iPod and it is only up to 7Gig! So plenty of space for the songs I have in my library and plenty more for the future and for importing photos as well!
I listen to it regularly and have found it to be soothing and highly enjoyable.
It was worth every penny and even the stress of the increase on my Visa account!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Mushroom Madness

Do you ever get treated like a Mushroom?
(Kept in the dark and if fed anything it's B.S.!)
I seem to get that treatment a lot from my VFW Post!
I think it is hard for them to release any information because retaining it allows them a little power.
I do not think they do this to me because I am the only female, I believe they know they are closer to meeting their maker then they are the next VFW ceremony and they want to hold on to this world.
It's a sad state to be in, so I have learned to adapt and go elsewhere for necessary information.
I only hope I NEVER get like them!
There is more to life and living it than the power of trivial information!

Monday, May 23, 2005

At 62, I can't Complain!

It's been in the triple digits in temperature in Southern California, so my dear friend has told me!
Here in the Pacific northwest, it has gotten up to a nice T-shirt and shorts temperature of 62, so I really have nothing to complain about!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Community Benefits

My VFW Post had a joint pancake breakfast with another organization that we put on at the Post.
It was plenty of work, but I realized one important thing, this was an activity that brought people in the community together!
Next door to the Post is a largeFlea-Market enterprise that is open only on weekends and is centered around our Hispanic residents.
They had a large car show on top of their regular shops and restaurants this weekend.
So of course we profited in that many came next door to our pancake breakfast!
It was neat because they and others in town would stop and chat and enjoy their time while enjoying the food, coffee and hot chocolate provided.
It really reminded me of the home town atmosphere and how we the people of this town can support one another and enjoy the simple pleasure of our own community!
God Bless America!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Armed Forces Day

What a Great parade we had in Cottage Grove Oregon!
Many of the Troops were in the parade, in classic cars, on floats and on their motorcycles, like this one!
Many turned out to support their efforts and we in the VFW were there in force too!

Friday, May 20, 2005

I LOVE High School students!

It may sound crazy, but I do!
I just attended a High School's Veteran's Remembrance Day Program and boy was it intriguing!
It was an All Day program where we Vets were settled into the library, choosing any of the tables to sit at and then students from the History classes, each period, would enter the library, rather than have their daily class routine, and choose and vet to sit with at their table and ask questions and hear stories from us Vets!
Well...I am a talker and I had a ball!
I cannot talk a lot about what I did in the Navy, being classified and all, but I did have stories to tell.
And when they seemed tongue tied I asked them questions, like "How would you feel if Iraq was like Vietnam and the President restarted the Draft?" "Would you ever think of joining the service and if so which one?"
Funny how that made them start thinking of questions to ask!
I sat with my youngest VFW Post member, who returned from Iraq almost two years ago. He was one of the Marines in the initial insurgence to clear Iraq.
We both brought pictures and items. One of the items he brought was a Time magazine BOOK titled something like "The First 21 Days in Iraq."
On page four of this book there is a photo of the edge of a troop caravan heading towards their supply depot. The photo is just the edge of the trucks and Humvees because it is centered on a rearview mirror with the face of a Marine, very emotional, with frustration and unease.
That Marine is none other than my fellow Comrade and Post member Justin Ulrich!
They say one picture speaks a thousand words, well this one certainly does!
I do feel these students went away with some of the meaning to our pursuit of happiness and understanding that 'Freedom isn't Free!'

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Female VFW Post Commanders

Well I am NOT the Only Female VFW Post Commander in my District now!
I just attended Dayton/Laday Post 10626 Officer Installation and their Commander for 2005-2006 is a Dorothy McFarland, a WWII Veteran!
I am so glad to see more of us in the VFW!
In fact, I just met the Senior Vice Commander of District 11, here in Oregon, and she happened to be a Land Surveyor in the Navy!
Not only was I in the Navy, but prior to I was a Land Surveyor in Southern California!
I hope to make a good effort on increasing our National percentages of only 2% women in the VFW because the percentage of women in the military during war time was much higher than 2%!
We need to make a showing and increase our numbers in this organization that provide so much necessary support in lobbying for Veteran rights!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Mowing in the Pacific Northwest

Mowing up here in the Pacific Northwest is a bit of a challenge. You have to expect the you will have to 'mow between rain drops' and thus the grass will be wet when you mow a lot of the time.
Me and my new mower had an episode of mowing green oatmeal today! The stuff was so wet and mucky that it would clog the bag or chute!
What a mess! I hope we get a little more space between raindrops soon so that this muck dries a bit.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Weekend Movie Reviews

I saw 'Timeline,' 'The Notebook' & 'Dogville' this weekend.
Timeline is basically Michael Critchen's book turned into a 'B' flik! Weak on all points.
The Notebook is as good as my dear friend said it was and eventhough I don't like Gena Rowlands I did like the movie.
Dogville is a Lars Von Trier movie that is filmed on a movie set staged as a play. It had a Spoon River Anthology feel, but the trepidation of this town and its hold on the visitor, played by Nicole Kidman, becomes all too obvious and deviant. The ending is tragically interesting. I have to say I did enjoy it, but know most wouldn't watch the entire film because of ist Pop Noir type of style.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

It's Not Like I Hate Her

I don't get along with my Mother.
Not for lack of trying that is for certain!
We are like oil & water.
These days all that her conversation deals with is her health, which is horrid because she is morbidly obese and she has all the secondary symptoms and health issues that go with it.
I do NOT allow her to go off on that stuff with me. She always seems to want the upper hand like some type of one-up-man-ship that her medical issue are worse than mine. I being military disabled due to 2 near-fatal vehicle accidents overseas.
I have come to the point where I will not placate to her benefit.
If she wants to wallow in pity she will have that Pity Party alone! She can change her medical issues by not lifting a fork so often to her mouth! My issues are for life!
I guess when it all comes down to it, she is not and never has been the role model for her children, nor has she ever done anything to cause me to respect her.
She is my mother, I love her for that, but nothing else.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Why are SO Many Vets Still Hateful towards Jane Fonda

I just don't get it!
Are my fellow Comrades & Vietnam Vets that dense that this woman made a terrible mistake that she thought was helpful at the time!
Heck! Other Stars have done that!
How many times does she have to apologize!
To have a Vet spit chewing tobacco in her face at a book signing is so disrespectful!
I cannot believe all these Vets are that ignorantly stupid!
I hope one day this will pass and she can feel at peace again!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

My Roses Are Blooming!

I SO love my Rose Bushes!
I was hoping to have time to put more in this year, but that will have to happen next Spring!
I have lots and lots of Blooms and my OreGold's are bursting open!
I cannot wait until my JFK's & True Blue's open up too!
Spring is here and all is beautiful!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Always a Pleasant Drive

I drive, from my home area near Portland, up to McChord Air Force Base about once a month to shop at the Exchange & Commissary. I save a great deal of money, that even makes up for the gas to get there & back, plus the drive is so splendid!
I-5 North up here is lovely! Trees, Trees & more Trees!
It seems perpetually green and the Hwy lanes are wide and travelers are not the hustle bustle type you find in the metro areas.
I have come to really enjoy, not only the savings of shopping up there, but the drive there & back!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Enjoying Flavors I Passed on Before

I don't know if this could be connected to Pre-menopause, or is just a change in taste, but I have found , lately, that there are flavors & foods that I would have passed up on in prior years, that I am finding rather delightful.
I suppose there might even be some favorites that just don't taste as great anymore too, if I think about it.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

That Fresh Car Scent

I enjoy the smell of a fresh scented car. Of course the proper scent is of the utmost!
I found that the Yankee Candle company makes the greatest scents that work well in the car, as well as in your home.
I have the sage & citrus in my car now. I smells more like a nice men's musk to me! Fresh and clean and being single the smell of a man's cologne is rather nice on occasion!
I use their Potpourri tarts at home, ever since my dear friend gave me a simmer pot!
Very nice scents that are soothing.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

This Weekend Movie Reviews

I got the chance to see The Alamo & Bourne supremacy.
The Alamo was OK! I'm not much of an American History nut, but the movie was nice to see.
Bourne supremacy was OK too!
I like action movies, but this one can go for a long time with a long chase scene and no talking. I tend to enjoy the drama of human thought and not necessarily so much action.
Both were OK films, but neither knocked my sox off

Friday, May 06, 2005

I bought a new mower!

That's right!
I got sick and tired of the hassles with my old one!
So I went out and got a new 7HP, 170CC Briggs & Stratton engine Troy-Bilt mower!
This thing has electric start and rearwheel drive and only one handle to adjust all the wheels in height!
I charged the battery up and this morning started it up!
Boom! It started right away! WOW!
I mowed the back and front lawns in no time, though it did bog a bit in the very tall grass, I am so pleased that the mowing was some much easier!
I can ill afford someone to do this for me and being disabled it is nice to have it mowed and done with less stress and effort.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Sitting and Chatting over Coffee

One of the things I've missed, since being retired, is having good friends to sit and chat with over coffee. I haven't yet gotten to the point of establishing a girlfriend group in my new area, but being in the VFW, I have plenty of male friends and Had a chance to sit and chat with them.
It was so nice to just unwind and gab.
I hope I will have situations where I can do this more often!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Shopping Day

Being military retired, I have the opportunity to utilize the Base Exchange and Commissary. And I DO!
Even though it is a 2.5hr drive each way to the closest base, I go roughly every month because the savings is so tremendous!
I nearly lost it when I went into a civilian grocery store and saw the cheapest can of tune for 69 cents!
I don't pay more than 45 cents and that is just the beginning!
I enjoy the drive and love the savings. It is well worth finding the places you can save and make your money stretch!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Mr. Mower is a Goner!

I am so darned tired of the mower!
If it isn't one thing it's another!
My Brother just rebuilt the carb & my grass is almost knee high!
The mower isn't strong enough to mow through it and I HATE seeing these lawns in such bad shape!
I'm almost at my wits end!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Mom & Pop Shops Going Away

My Bro & I were in town to get carburetor rebuild kits for our mowers from a small Mom & Pop Shop. We got there only to find the shop doesn't exist anymore and a sign in the window showing the place up for rent!
Luckily we found the last lawn mower shop in town still there and they too are a small Mom & Pop shop!
I only hope they last. I am saddened by these wonderful places going by the wayside for big industry.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

I DID It! I cleaned out my closets!

After reading the books by Trinny and Susannah on "What Not to Wear" and "What you Wear Can Change You Life." I decided it was high time to go through my closets and drawers and remove all the excess apparel I haven't worn in ages and that have passed being fashionable for some time.
I have one entire drawer empty and room in my closets!
I wound up having four boxes of clothing I gave to a needy organization.
I will truely miss all my jeans, but having been straight legged, they are out of date and make me look wider in the thighs and hips!
I am happy now and look forward to losing more weight and finding nelovely things to wear!