Women may be Better on their Own!
I just realized, reminiscing about this past three years divorced. I have been better off!I have been divorced twice and during both marriages I was stifled and once divorce I flourished again!Note: I was discouraged by the Navy while married, was disability retired and had hassles finding work etc.. Then I move after the divorce and get involved with the VFW and I blossomed. This is exactly like what occurred after the first divorce.Makes me realize being alone is better and it doesn't have to mean being lonely!They say women are better off single and that it is the men that are better off married!Well men! Stay clear!I have no intention of going into the hangman's noose again!
One of The BEST Day of My Life
I had one of the best days of my life yesterday!I noticed that a Navy friend, whom happened to be my CPOIC at NATO, was online. So I began a chat with her. For seven years I have felt bad because I had only gotten an Flag LOC-Letter of Commendation at the end of my tour of duty. I had accomplished a significant amount of things between incorporating a VISA card to installations of classified VTCs. So I had this frustration towards this friend thinking she hadn't put me in for anything else than an LOC. What made it worse is that my husband, who is now my Ex, received an NCM while he was there after me. Of course there was a completely new staff there and that means different personalities towards awards. I finally felt brave enough to tell my friend. I mentioned how my Ex got an NCM there. She came back and said she HAD put me in for a medal and it was turned down higher than her. She also mentioned that in all of her career, and she has toured at the White House, she has never worked with a better tech. Than me!I was so overjoyed! I am still teary eyed and shaking! It meant so much to hear that! Now I know others have felt I had done great work that it wasn't just in my head!
Social Security Letter
I have now received a letter from Social Security stating that they owe me my back compensation from 2003-now!Great! Where's the money though?
Movie Review
This week review is on a Korean film "OLDBOY," "The Squid and the Whale," "Batman Begins" & "The Wedding Date."A friend turned me onto OLDBOY and it is a suspense flik with some heavy psychological turns. For thos of you who enjoy a taste of films from other countries, this should be a must see!The Squid and the Whale, with actors Jeff Daniels & Laura Linney of "Kinsey" played parents with two sons and their struggles through separation and divorce. The movie has a standard everyday theme, but is poignant in being one of the first to truly touch on how a divorce causes the entire family to suffer. An OK film - not especially a must see!I've seem some of the Batman films. Most I felt were over-rated. This one is the BEST and I might consider adding it to my own DVD library! Excellent and most likely the best action film of this year in my book!The Wedding Date was predictable yet cute and funny. Another nice to see flik that was just OK!
Donating my Full Dress Navy Blue Uniform
At the Mid-Winter VFW Convention I was asked by one of the State Legislators for Oregon Veteran Affairs if I would donate one of my uniforms to them and if I would send them information of my military tours.I sent a packet of information and a resume'.Then just last month I attended the Oregon Women Veterans Conference. Over 360 women veterans attended. In the back of the huge pavilion, lined up along the wall were many uniforms from all the militaries and all female. I looked at them and wound up walking straight up to...ME! There was a set of dungarees with my military service profile on a sign and a photo of me! The 'Mac' spoke with me later during the conference and again begged me for a uniform. I asked Dress Blue or Dress Whites, knowing he would say Blues because they had plenty of Dreww White Jumpers in the collection. He asked if I would add medals rather than just the ribbon set.The medals are a bit costly so I told him I would meet him halfway and do the small Dinner Dress Mess medals. Well...I changed my mind and just a couple of days ago I drove up to Bremerton Navy Base in the Puget Sound in Washington; the closest Navy Base with a full uniform store, and purchased all my medals and a four ribbon bar with ribbons.Soon I will get them together and mail my uniform to the Capital. I believe this is a way for me to celebrate my service and rather than thinking of the negative I can smile on the positive.
iPod info
I plan on getting one of the 60Gig color iPods soon to update my 4th generation 20Gig. Trouble is, I hadn't saved on my computer all that I put on the 20Gig and it seems to be one hell-of-a hassle to try and get the songs off once they are on the iPod, copy right issues.So I said what the heck and began ripping my CDs again and on my new monster computer!WOW! they are ripping in no time and I found that there are plenty of CDs I hadn't ripped the first time anyway!Not such a big deal after all!
A Quiet Holiday
It is a nice quiet Passover day for me and a nice quiet Easter Day for the neighbors.It is cold and has been raining on and off the last few days so no one is out hunting eggs or playing.I hope today brings peace to all neighborhoods in the world.
My SS Back Pay
It has now been four months since my appeal for Social Security Disability, that I won. I began receiving my monthly allotments last month and I still have yet to receive the back pay for the three years I hadn't received it.I contacted SS two days ago regarding this and they found an error that had wound up putting this back pay on hold. They submitted a correction and now I have to wait until the correction gets into the main payment center.I only hope it isn't too long. I mean fair is fair!
Movie Reviews
I watched two interesting movies last night that I would like to share with you.Derailed with Jennifer Aniston & Clive Owen. Clive Owen is always so yummy and in this flik he is married with a diabetic daughter. On his daily train trips into Chicago for work, he meets up with a woman played by Jennifer Aniston. They begin a secret romance that spins out of control and from here the story begins twisting. This is a suspense flik that will have you wondering to the end what the truth is! Good movie!I also watched 'Walk the Line' with Reese Witherspoon & Joaquin Phoenix. I had just read the most recent biography of Cash and found this movie followed what I had read well. Lucky for many of us the heavy religious portion of their lives was touched on and didn't go into heavily. I liked its truth and showing that even Johnny Cash has weaknesses and is human. Good Flik!
It's Time Again to Start Mowing!
I enjoy the Fall and Winter for many reasons one being that the grass stops growing and I don't have to mow!Well! It's been growing again and I have put if out too long now!Tomorrow is trash day and twice a month we have lawn debri pick-up which will occur also tomorrow and that timing is perfect for mowing today!I already charged up the mowers electric starter and put in more oil and gave it a test start.I don't like mowing, but I know I will be pleased when the yard looks nicer!
The Cootie Grand Scratch of Oregon
Well the 2005-2006 year for the Military Order of The Cootie Grand of Oregon is now over!We had an exceptional year that ended off this weekend with our Grand Scratch. I was ready to turn over the job as Adjutant, but was asked to cover it for the new Grand Commander and since he provided someone that will do the printing and mailing I said I would. I was also elected Grand Surgeon and thus means I have begun my climb through the chairs having me in four years seated as Grand Commander!I believe we have a great new year already in the plans and we are already on the run with it!
Day Light Savings Time
This time change has kicked my butt!I cannot believe that losing one hour is so much, but it is.I only hope that I settle in soon.