Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I Finally Am Not Lost!

I have lived up here in the Pacific Northwest for 2.5 years & I can finally say that I am aquianted enough to not get lost when going somewhere new!
I like the area and have loved travelling, but would get lost and have to ask questions, especially in Portland. I am not a city girl! I made it in and out of Portland without having to ask directions! This was a first and I liked it!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Feeling Inundated

I am holding many offices in the VFW locally & statewide. Recently a situation came up in which a very great friend of mine and an active member in the VFW was found to really not be eligible!
We are an ELITE organization and these things happen, but I do hope this issue ends with a change in the eligibility! The guy is so deserving of praise and worthy of being a VFW member!
None-the-less I happen to be the one who replaces him as District Commander. To add to that, I am State Adjutant for the Military Order of The Cooties, the Honor Degree of the VFW. I am VFW Post Commander & Nat'l recruiter for my State! WHEW! So not only am I sad for my Comrade! I am now inundated with service offices to keep running! Here's to a never ending glass of Scotch Baby!

Monday, August 29, 2005

My Best Friend

I've mentioned my Best Friend in past postings.
She is so motivated that she got me on her own diet plan her Doc gave her!
She is one in a hundred million & she has just been told she is a liability at work because of her MS & it causing her to fall etc...So they are basically firing her!
I am so pissed because anyone can see this is a way illegal thing on an HR standpoint!
Not only that! Just give a little more stress to a person with MS and see what ill effects come about!
I only wish I could be closer than my 900 miles so I could help her!
She is worth every little ounce of my concern!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Issue Babies

This is about those folks who chose their life and lifestyle and years down the line need assistance from EVERYONE and become Issue Babies!
I was warned by the VFW Post in the next town about this guy calling.
He has six, YES! SIX kids and they are heading to school here soon as all kids are and he is poor and looking for help to get them...get this...BACKPACKS for school!
So, having been warned that this guy may call, is a VFW member, but of a Post a few towns down, I did what my buddy in the next town's Post down did, I screened my calls!
People! If you need help and assistance especially from the VETERANS of FOREIGN WARS, make it meaningful!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Weekend Movie Review

I had the chance to see:
"The Final Cut," "Criminal" & "Sideways."
The Final Cut is another great thriller with Robin Williams in a new formulaic character. Man can this dude act! The entire cast is great & a series movie to just sit & experience. Good one!
Criminal is one of those shows you THINK you can predict, but can't! Surprising flips & twists that keep you enjoying it. Good!
Sideways is....SIDEWAYS! Just don't try running with it! Get an order in Pizza & a bottle of your favorite vintage & chill! Good weekend of Fliks!

Friday, August 26, 2005


I know many folks love Dogs and have them as pets,
but what is it about letting them bark!
My city allows only 5 minutes until it is offensive and you can call the cops on it!
I counted 11 times last night from 9 PM - 10-PM that my neighbor dogs began a barking spree for a bit!
Good thing I was only reading and not trying to sleep yet!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ever Wonder if You REALLY still need your meds!

I learned from last night that after all these years, I DO still need my sleep meds!
I put them out on my night stand and had gotten so absorbed in the book I was reading that I had forgotten to take them. Having been getting up after sleeping like a log and feeling at peace, I was at a quandary this morning until I saw my meds lying there on my night stand.
At least I have a good reason for the bad night of sleep and will have to make certain I take them from now on!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Chronic Pain Class

So I have Chronic Pain...I am in this class at the VA to aid in understanding it and still have a fulfilling life without the chronic pain becoming an obsession.
I've found though, that many of these Vets have a story they need...I mean NEED to tell! No matter how trivial and boring we may see it, we just HAVE to HEAR their STORY!
GOSH! I cannot believe how many of us VETS measure our lives now on the past!
I am NOT a 'has been!' I DO NOT define myself, nor will I ever on my disabilities or pain!
So much so that I forget to take my pain meds, SHIT! Like now I just realized I never took my nooners! SHEESH! There's too much life to live even with pain! The world is shakin' an quakin' and I want to be apart of it! Damn the Pain! Full Speed Ahead!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Bad Burns of CDs

I learned something new today!
I am cheap and tend to use library copies of CDs for my iPod, who doesn't these days!
Well...I found that some of their copies tend to be damaged and thus not the entire song will record. I have found it necessary to watch and make certain of the minutes of record. Some songs just are too worn out! Will have to try requesting alternative copies!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Freaking Dogs!

Why is it people get dogs and then just leave them in their yards or worse yet, think they can just open the door and forget about the leash law and let them roam!
I am so darned sick of the hassles with dogs in my neighborhood! I have 2 barkers next door that never see their owners or anywhere but the backyard, the house on the otherside of me has a ratdog that is so malcontent it always barks and yaps and the neighbors think it's OK to leave their door open at let this yapping piece wander illegally, Then we can talk about the Pitbull I had to call the cops on twice!
GEE! Where are the real responsible pet owners because I seem to be alone on this block!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Completing my Appointments

I am coming to the end of my list of necessary officers I need to appoint, as a required of me as VFW District Commander. I am so tired of all these 'Has Beens' & 'Was Beens' sitting on the appointed positions so they can have their hands in the running of things still, when no new members are given the chance. Plus I find that many times there isn't a fair and equal balance of members in Appointments evenly divided through all the Posts in the District.
I am working to change that.
I have also decided to have not one, but three Guards this year. One for each of the three meetings and the Hosting Post of each meeting will proudly have their guard for that meeting.
My Buddy was Commander last year and brought us to All-American! I can only work hard and pray to be as worthy this year!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Yet Another Book Review!

I just finished reading 'Jarhead' by Anthony Swofford. I personal anthology of his experiences in the USMC before, during and after Desert Storm.
His graphic detail and personal recollections bring true light to the war and shows how even a Marine can have feelings and how this makes them much more real and human.
This is a profound book that brings to life more realism than any book of the war has as yet!

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Six Down and One To Go

As the VFW District Commander, it is my responsibility to inspect all the Posts in the District.
Today marks the sixth one with only one left to do.
I have to say, although it is tiring, it is nice to visit the Posts and have a chance to see some of their pet projects and programs they are working on, as well as to see what issues may arise that I might assist them with.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Chronic Pain Class

Today was the first of my five session classes for Chronic Pain at the VA.
I am, as usual, the only female in the class. Though I hear it more often that there are more and more women Vets utilizing the VA system, I haven't seen it myself and many times it seems folks think I am a dependant.
This class is structured on how we who experience Chronic Pain can enjoy and build a better lifestyle and find ways and means to overcome some of the pain.
Stress was the main point in todays session and I find myself proud of the many things I have done to decress stress in my daliy life.
I am looking forward to next weeks class.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Book Review-yeah, i said it

My favorite Stand-up Comedian is Wanda Sykes.
So when she wrote a book, about the time her second TV series began to fail, I hurried out and bought a copy.
It took a bit of time for me to get down to reading it.
She is as sassy and funny in the book as she is doing her stand up routine. In fact many of my favorite routines are in the book.
It's hard to reflect her timing and inflection in a book and if you haven't seen her it may be even more difficult, but the humor cannot be lost.
She dives right into hard issues and brings out the hysterical truth.
Good humorous read and in times of so much stress, this may be what the Doctor ordered!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Even Volunteer work can be exhausting!

I hadn't planned on being so busy this year, but situations arose that caused it to happen.
I enjoy the VFW and believe it is a VERY worth while organization to works for the cause of all Vets and benefits for us.
I will be happy about this time next year, when things should mellow and I do not plan to accept any senior official positions so to give myself a break.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

My VFW Girlfriends!

I just received the VFW membership application from the last of my girlfriends that is eligible.
I told them for their Birthday or Xmas, which ever comes first I would pay their first year's membership if they would accept membership into my Post!
They all did! In fact on who is still active duty, sent me a membership and payment for another friend!
I am out to put a new face on the VFW!
We women have been serving in wars since the Revolutionary war and I am looking to change the meager percentage of only 2% nationally when we all know their are more women than that who have served, time to find them and member them up!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Tualatin Crawfish Festival

I was at the Tualatin Crawfish Festival with the VFW Post there. They had a booth set up and not only did many patrons donate to their Buddy Poppy fund, many purchased the 'Band Together' red band to help support our Troops!
We also got one and a half applications for membership! The one is a fella they have benn trying to member up for about two years and I got him today for the Post!
Sometimes it's not as much obtaining new members, at these fests, but letting the community become more aware of the Post and function they do for the community.

Friday, August 12, 2005

A Surprisingly Good Meeting

Boy am I surprised and delighted!
Our Post meeting went well!
In fact the guy who is my biggest trouble maker made a motion to assist two of our continuous members make payments to the Post and have the Post put in for their life memberships!
VFW Life Membership is about doubling here soon so we are trying to get as many as possible to life membership now.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Keeping the VFW hounds at bay

I am certain there are anal people in all organizations and clubs. I have a guy who has been through all the offices and was even State Commander. Note 'WAS!'
I call these guys Was-Beens! They all think they know everything without checking that there have been revisions to the By-Laws since the Civil War!
Some of them, I know, are pulling crap just to fuss with me. None have ever been there to show me the ropes, but they all pile up to pull the darned rug our from under me!
So, I have written a letter appointing certain individuals, on my side, to assist on certain meeting night operations that will shut these mugs up!
We'll see if it works on Friday night!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Book Review

Dean Koontz is my all time favorite Author.
I just finished reading 'Velocity.'
As all his books, this one kept me riveted; different from his other books, I seemed to know what would occur around the corner and even who dunnit! There was a twist or two, but all-in-all was not very surprising at the end.
Never-the-less it is hard to stay on a winning streak and I will always enjoy his books.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

No Unconditional Love

I cannot believe totally on the ideal belief of Unconditional Love. I have a mother who has rarely 'been there' for me & can guarantee there is no unconditional love felt from her to me.
Because of this & because of her continued gripes & complaints of health, vying for sympathy from others;
I do not play her game & enable her behavior.
Thus I am a Black Sheep in the family & here a graze!
About 8 months ago, just after the New Year, she called me & of course asked how I was doing; the loaded question that if answered gives her right to spend the rest of the call complaining of all her diseases she has-(of course all because of her morbid obesity she does nothing about!).
So I relentlessly steer her off course telling her I will not comment on my health.
I am disabled and it is not a defining quality of who I am!
So now she is visiting my Brother...3 doors down!
She tricked me when she called on my Brother's cell phone, thinking it was him I answered.
She asked if I was still mad at her over the New Years call-(in which I hung up on her!) & I said I was still angry
& she asked why & I told her that her stating, though I have reconciled it to myself, that I was not a victim when I suffered 2 near fatal vehicle accidents & left for dead; both not my fault.
Prior to this she had me shaken up by calling me names because I tend to be a recluse, fearing crowds-(I could get bumped thus causing pain & most certainly a hospital stay!).
I never receive praise from any family member, recently I Emailed them & friends a copy of a Nat'l award I received in which ALL my friends replied proudly yet no family member did! Black Sheep issue!
Well...It has taken me a few decades, but I finally can say I do not define myself by my parentage!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Book Review

I just finished William Faulkner's-'Light in August.'
Boy oh boy! Just when you think it is too late in the book for the author to add yet another character, he does!
The story begins and ends with a surly young lady named Lena Grove; while her surroundings are in a tumultuous era of civil rights.
Bit by bit another character is added and we see this event or period of time, broken out in each characters view of events.
This is not a light read, but of all I have read of Faulkner, this one I can recommend.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Forgotten Issues

Have you ever written a note to yourself and then later forgotten what the heck you meant!
I wrote down 2 VFW Comrades names and phone numbers and the programs they are doing with no further explanation! UGH!
I will have to make certain that I write down more information from now on so this doesn't happen.
I want to do well as Post Commander, for the second year, and as District Commander.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Book Reading

I have 25 pages left of Faulkner, Oprah's Summer Book Club read, and then I can start Dean Koontz's Velocity! I can't wait! I love Dean Koontz!
Plus you really don't smoothly read Faulkner, there is so much nuance to his style of writing that you can't pick it up as a light read.
I enjoy it, but relish Koontz much more! It's like candy for the eyes!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Well It's True

It's true! I am the Commander of my VFW District. Tonight was my first inspection of the seven Posts in my District.
It feels odd being District Commander and Post Commander at the same time!
Boy am I gonna be busy!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Quick Meals

I began a diet several months ago and when I started it I also began preparing meals ahead of time.
Now I know I am retired and have time to create meals at my leisure-NOT!
So what I do is get a couple packages of good quality bacon and cook it all at once and then drain the fat and place it into a container in the fridge. At the same time I cook up a dozen eggs in water and then when they are done place them in the fridge and for a couple weeks then I have breakfast already and prepared!
With only a tiny bit of warming on the bacon, I can deal with that!
Portion control can be trouble for any of us. So I repackage my steaks and chops into those snack size zip locks and place them in the freezer; which means I will only be thawing what I will eat.
This is working pretty well for me and might work for you too.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Getting The Dump

Just this weekend I found out, from the horses mouth, that our VFW District Commander is actually ineligible for the VFW.
When a VFW member moves up into office, their membership eligibility is reviewed per the By-Laws and it just so happens, on a fluke, that his service does not validate the foreign War eligibility.
This now means that, if true, as the next line officer, I would take the Command.
This is not how I would choose it and I feel terrible about the issue. This guy has done so much for the VFW and has assisted his Post into National commendations! This is a great loss to the entire organization, not just the Post!
I will never be able to fill this guys shoes!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

My Best Friend and Nutrition Supplements

I have just spoken about my interest in food supplements such as Vitamins and herbs. Well my best friend is having issues with the medications she has to take for her MS. Now her nails are effected and are breaking and weak!
So, I took it upon myself to look into this and found that Biotin is a helpful supplement. GNC carries a women's line of nutritional supplements, that are USP approved, and the one I chose form my best friend to try is a mixture to aid hair and nails!
I hope this helps her. She means a lot to me and I love doing things for her to make her smile!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Nutrition and Health with Vitamin Supplements

I am not a nutritionist, but I am not a food hound that eats at fast food places either.
I found, years ago, that I feel better and my skin looks better by adding some vitamin, mineral and herb supplements to my daily diet.
I recently added Black Cohash, dandelion Root and Goldenseal to my daily regimen and I have to say my Pre-menopausal issues are all but gone!
I feel rejuvenated and more relaxed. I sleep like a baby and daily stress rolls over and is dealt with without emotions running wild.
I highly recommend every woman look into alternatives like herbs and other supplements.