Friday Night at the Movies
I had the opportunity to see "Bend it like Beckman," "Guess Who," & "Stealth."Of the three movies I loved Bend it like Beckman!I played a lot of sports through the years of grade school, Jr. High, High school and college and this movie pin points one case of traditional roles and culture that pressures some young girls to not play or at least break out of the mold. Any young mother should see this with her daughter and then discuss it afterward.Guess Who is a present day remake of the Classic film "Guess who's coming to Dinner." Though this was not trying to over power the elegance and creativity of the first, it IS a humorous spin on the concept of bringing home, for the first time, somebody you love that does not fit the picture of whom your parents might expect your partner to look like. Bernie Mac is just about the only reason to see this film, although Ashton Kutcher does hold his own most of the time. Silly entertainment with a good ending.Stealth...well...I tried to ignore all the errors of Navy Uniform dress-collar devices are always improperly placed, but the female LT in Navy Dress Whites in the bar with open collar and no tie is so wrong! These Hollywood types are setting standards on how a woman has to look and act when we can be much more than that and not have to hint that we might shoe some Titty! What made me lose total enjoyment of this film-you have to REALLY push the BELIEVE BUTTON a lot with it-like what the heck was that Navy Blimp refueling station? Anyway-once in North Korea or the DMZ to be exact and they show not only people running on it, a dog and then a freaking jet make a Harrier landing and take off on it! This area is over one mile DEEP with LAND MINES and is the exact reason the United States cannot back the mandates to disapprove and halt the use of land mines! Once this movie went that far it couldn't come back! And the Captain blowing his head off because he followed orders of Politicians! Why wasn't that explained in more detail or left out! Steer clear of this nonsense!
Nothing Can Be Scarier Than a Call From Your Lawyer!
With my Social Security Appeal won and now behind me I was nervous when caller ID on my phone said the incoming call was my lawyer! Did something go wrong, was it all a dream that I had won, is fate pitching me yet another curve ball!So I answer and yes it was my lawyer mentioning 'We have a problem.' She described the timeframe of my disability and that the VA had back dated my Disability to when I came stateside during my disability Retirement paperwork. So that it could be moved back to 2002 because I was making too much money and that we should keep with the March 2003 date and subtract Social Security's five month rule.WOW! She had forgotten that we discussed this way back at our very first meeting and that she had stated that chances were I would not be able to do this because of my income during that time!I reminded her of the conversation and told her I didn't expect them to back date it and that March 2003 is fine with the subtraction of the five month rule. WHEW! I thought it was a bad one, but come to find even lawyers can check and recheck issues and I am glad to have received the call and know all is going well on my paperwork with the Social Security!
I Have My TENS Unit!
I had an appointment/follow-up at the VA Physical Therapy Dept. & while there-rather than coming in for my appointment on the 4th of Jan.-I was given my TENS unit & the low down on it.TENS-Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation is a unit that gives low voltage frequency & modulation adjustable pulses through sticky pads placed in the areas requiring the TENS for pain reduction.It works like a massage chair only it is highly defined & the sticky pads make the pulses much more local to the needed area.I have to say I am enjoying the use of it!I am told to use it for at least 20 mins & not to exceed 45 mins in one duration. Between this, working with PT for an exercise regimen-I was very athletic prior to my injuries & would like to at least get my body into the best shape I can even if I won't be running biathlons and such!Plus my Doc & I are ironing out my pain med regimen so I can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel & the possibility of far less pain in my future!
Playing Rummy with Good Friends
I had forgotten how much fun it can be to play cards!My VFW friends and I had set yesterday on the calendar to get together and play Rummy.What fun! I have always loved playing games, the whole competition thing and all.We had a great time and for certain we were cut-throat and yet all enjoyed the time!I plan to make more time in my life to do these fun simple things with people!
The Day After
We all are settling down, cleaning up the wrapping paper, or shopping and making use of the store sales after Xmas.I have settled in and am enjoying the wonderful gifts my family and friends have given me.My Sis gave me a gorgeous hand painted Star of David switch plate-I have put is up on the main switch in my kitchen. She also gave me a longsleeved T-shirt of the Peaches-the Girls Pro Baseball team of WWII era!My mom gave me an awesome towel for drying my hair that works brilliantly! She also gave me yet another addition to my Teddy Bear collection-Rosie the Biker Bear! My Bro & his wife hooked me up with an iHome system for my iPod! Not only is this a speaker system with AM/FM capability, it is a fully functional clock in which you can set it and wake to your iPod music!It has a remote too! Very versatile!My Dear Friend Jane gave me an awesome Burgundy Korean blanket and anyone who has been in the military overseas knows how these are THE blanket! Warm and soft and awesome! My Bestest friend, her daughter and mom gave me an entire collection of items to fill the senses! A beautiful little box with incense from India-you can use right in the box which will be awesome for traveling! a Wisp scent machine, the new Fabreze Scent Stories machine that fills the whole back of the house with its lovely fragrance and awesome teas and a scented candle!All these wonderful and useful gifts will help me throughout the year and also, when using them, they will remind me of them and our Love.
Postal Rates are Going UP!
I suppose it's time to expect it, Postal rates haven't gone up for what-a couple of years!Well-I went into the Post office, now that all folks have mailed their Xmas pkgs, and picked up more postcard and first class mail stamps, the first class mail stamps are now 39 cents each and the postcard stamps are up 1 cent to 24 cents each.Makes sending a Postcard even more worth while!
Mid-Week Movie Review
I saw 'Hide and Seek' & 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith' last night.Hide and Seek is wonderful! Full of twists and yet another Dakota Fanning film that shows the splendor of her work! This girl is going places! Great Suspense to the end and I have to tell you I enjoyed seeing the various endings, though prefer the theatrical one used when the film went public.Mr. and Mrs. Smith is just cute action packed humor used on their marriage. I enjoyed it but then I have been divorced twice. Good film!
I admit there are three Genes I wasn't born with!I don't have the telephone Gene-I can't stand talking on the phone. I don't have the shopping Gene-going shopping is a bore to me-I'd rather suffer a fleet enema! And I don't have the motherly Gene-I had a Tubiligation at the age of 33 knowing I would NEVER want children.But I have to say, Playing with them once and awhile makes you feel younger. I was at my brother's house with his wife, my mom who is visiting for the holidays and my brother's wife's brother and his four kids-Yeah! Four! I brought over paper airplanes I had printed from a program I have on my computer and we had fun just being kids and laughing!I think we all need to let the little girl or boy in us out to play once and a while!
My Doctor's Bedside Manner
I had my annual check-up with my Doctor, and needless to say I am apprehensive when I have an appointment with her. Her bedside manner has me wondering why she became a physician!Well-my appointment with her went very well!I had a few things to let her know about that I have been doing with the Pain Management dept. of the VA; being 100% disabled there are always medical issues.I told her I have upcoming appointments with PT, one for Tens which I knew had to do with my chronic pain but didn't know the complete story and she told me that it is an electronic device using pads like an EKG uses to allow impulses to your back or other parts where the pain is.She spoke of my positive outlook and told me of a couple other of her patients with positive outlooks and how they see to generate a healthier body with their healthier attitude.All went well and now I am very much looking forward to my PT appointments!
Sense of Touch
I noticed something that I have never noticed before. I am hoping it is normal! I had my hair done at with my usual hairdresser and while my head was in the sink and she was warming the water she points the nozzle to my hair and asks if the water is too hot or fine. Funny! I could feel it, but couldn't tell if it was cold you really hot for a good couple of seconds! I have had two serious closed head injuries, but never noticed this sensation and not be able to recognize it as cold or hot immediately!
Interesting Focus on Human Behavior
I went to a Pot Luck Xmas party function of my veterans group-The Military Order of The Cooties/the Honor Degree of the VFW and I noticed and interesting thing. I am the only female Vet, so of course I edged over to a table where a couple of my buddy Vets were sitting. We had gotten there early and got our sodas or beers at the bar and sat down. Well as folks arrived I notice all the women-Ladies Auxiliary, sat together and all us Vets sat separate from them at our own tables.I would think some of the guys would want to sit with their wives, but no they didn't!It was then that I realized that I know so few of these women, not even their names!
Weekend Movie Review
This weekend I saw 'Assault on Precinct 13' & 'Kinsey.'Precinct 13 is about a police station in Detroit that is shutting down because it is now on the outskirts of the city rather than inside the city. It is New Years Eve and the last truck with the last of the computers etc.. has left the old Precinct.A skeleton crew is left to man it, eventhough it is closing down.There is a heavy snow storm and a bus carrying some real bad guys to jail is radioed to head to Precinct 13 for the night to wait out the storm.Come to find out, these bad guys are wanted dead by some bad cops. The Precinct gets surrounded by these bad cops and all hell breaks loose!Lots of action in this one!Kinsey was great! Having studied the body of his work in Grad school, I really enjoyed seeing this movie and it portrayed him well!
It is time for me to get more wood, though I haven't a dime to spare.The only heating I have is my woodstove attached to my fireplace. The electric heating costs a fortune, so I have those heater breakers turned off.Time to call some buddies and get some wood!
Do you ever have one of those days when you can just about forget anything!That was yesterday!Luckily nothing drastic was forgotten except where I laid my bifocal glasses, which will now cost me a new pair!I did forget to mention and get a vote on an important issue at my VFW post last night also!Boy! I hope my head gets on straight soon!
You Know it's Cold When..
You Know it's Cold When you use the hot water tap rather than the cold to get your water to drink with your morning medication and vitamins!Everything has ice on it outside! BRrrr!
Burial At Sea Program United Stated Navy Mortuary Affairs
Burial at Sea is a means of final disposition of remains that is performed on US Navy vessels. The committal ceremony is performed while the ship is deployed. Therefore, family members are not allowed to be present. The commanding officer of the ship assigned to perform the ceremony will notify the family of the date, time, and, longitude and latitude once commital service has been completed.Eligibility: Individuals eligible for this program are: (1) active duty members of the uniformed services; (2) retirees and veterans who were honorably discharged. (3) U.S. civilian marine personnel of the Military Sealift Command; and (4) dependant family members of active duty personnel, retirees, and veterans of the uniformed services.For more contact:Commander Naval Medical Center ATTN: Code 0210C620, John Paul Jone Cir., Portsmouth, VA 23708-5100 Phone: (757) 953-2617/2618
Not Enough Wrapping Paper!
Out of all the things to run out of early I run out of wrapping paper half way through wrapping all my presents to friends and family!Funny how I never seem to have left over paper, as some do and just store it until the next year. I have bows, but am always short on wrapping paper. I suppose I calculate well, how much I will need and this year several packages are rather large and I much have under compensated for them!If this was the only hassle I have I would be a lucky woman!
We've Lost yet Another WWII Vet
VFW says that we are losing roughly 1,500 WWII Veterans per day, due to deaths. This is a sad time because we are having so many funeral services. It is also difficult to replace these active members in the VFW.I am saddened because I just received a call of yet another wonderful Comrade who has passed and even I having only been in the VFW for 2 years knows his name.Demsey! You will be sorely missed! You will never be forgotten!
I LOVE independent Films!
I saw 'Pi' last night. Very cool independent film. I love looking at the credits after the film and seeing the actors as post production crew, editors and so on!The movie is B/W which really makes a heavy effect of emotion, which this film is filled with. Considering the name it is almost obvious that the film's story regards math-numbers to be specific and how they are found in everything. I have studied Kabbalah and there is an integral emphasis on numbers also. So it isn't odd to find a Hassidic man involved in some way in this story; although I had questions of his truism until they showed a large group of Hassidic men.For those who enjoy pushing the envelope on film entertainment, I recommend 'Pi.'
I recently discovered a better way to make coffee. I suppose the 5.5yrs I spent living in Italy warped my coffee making and thus I was drinking it ever so strong. I soon gave up drinking coffee upon my return stateside. Well I happened to be visiting some VFW friends and low and behold their coffee was terrific. What was the secret? They only use one level scoop of coffee per 12 cups! I was using 3-4 scoops! Not only do I like to coffee more, it will last longer too!