Finally A Little Rain!
We are finally getting a little rain, up heare in the Pacific Northwest, today!It has been so dry this winter that they are now worried about fires and rationing water in the summer!Boy I hope not!Still praying for more rain!
Oscar Fun!
Oh you know it! I LOVE Oscar night!For those of you who don't - couldn't care less - turn the page now!I missed 13 guesses at winners.Didn't mind with Million Dollar Baby coming out with four top Oscars!Clint did a fabulous job and Hilary Swank, again like five years ago against Annette Benning, beat her yet again!This picture must be good and I have it on my to see list!Jamie Foxx was the ALL TIME WIN!Best Actor for his portrayal of the Great Ray Charles in "Ray."Ones that I am now interested in are :The Motorcycle diaries,The Incredibles,The Sea inside-(Spain) - Best Foreign Language filmLemony Snickets &The Aviator.I didn't think much of these films before, but will have to give them a look now!Now...Go to the Movies!
Mary Kay has a new-unreleased Dermabrasion cheaper than Loreal!
That's right!My Mary Kay Consultant says it will be on the market the 10th of March. I pre-ordered it & will tell you later what I think of it!I like Mary Kay cosmetics because they are animal safe! They don't test on animals and they have their own scientist and research department.Plus I like the fact of aiding an enconomic venue for women.I believe in us girls and take pride in what we accomplish!
Printer Installs are getting less Friendly
I used to go through an install of a printer in nothing flat back in the Navy.Nowadays it takes all freaking day!I just got one of those 3-1 photosmart HP systems.FAX/printer/scanner guy!Well...The CD failed five times! So I decided to download the software of the HP website.I recommend anyone buying a photosmart to do this after the first or second CD load failure!Unfortunately the system is a 3-1 so there is a plethora of software to back up all the equipment.It took eight hours to get it done, but it is now done and after testing my own prints of saved files, I can say the printer is AOK!Now for sleep and then I can start on the FAX and scanner setups to my preferences.
Crazy Weather
I cannot believe this crazy weather!The Pacific Northrnwest is drying up and now we are concerned about summer fire hazard and Southern California is turning into a mudslide!What did mankind do to piss off Mother Nature!
Enjoying Time For My Annual Reads
I am certain some of you out there also had annual reads that you pick up again and again over the years.I happen to re-read Tolkien's The Hobbit and Lord of the rings each year. I am thinking of adding The Silmarillion to that list.I enjoy read new books, good literature & keep a balance with tried and true joys I have grown up with.They have always been special and I enjoy going back and re-experiencing Bilbo and the others on there Adventures.
Movie Review Weekend
These are the movies I saw this weekend:Mean Girls-Cuter than I expected. Funny and makes a simple joke about everyone's hang-ups!In The Cut-Intense film. Didn't know what to expect and it gave some interesting twists until there was nowhere to go but one person.People I Know-All I can say is that Pacino and party must have had mortgages due and needed the money! Even if you are a Pacino fan stay clear of this bomb!The Fighting Temptations-Cute and the music is Great too!Spiderman 2-All that I expected in the sequel and more! Bravo!!Beyond Boarders-Excellent film! Powerful and thought provoking and great love story!
Tolstoy's Anna Karenina
Well I finally got through this book!I have been reading it since last year and having to put it down for books I had requested at the library, as they would come in.It didn't bother me having to put it down because it is not at all my type of literature. It is so boring and dry and Soup Opera-ish! I can't even understand why Tolstoy kept writing after the lead character dies! It was all trivial!I am not a quitter and had begun to read the book, so I was damned sure I would finish it, but needless to say I shant pick up another Tolstoy!
Today is Giving Day!
I try to take a couple of Days a month and do something for my community or others.Today I am packing up goodies and toiletry items for our Soldiers in Iraq.Many of my VFW Comrades and various Posts do this on occasion, when they get a large enough supply of items together.Our Oregon Department of the Veterans of Foreign Wars has supplied Tons of handy-wipe toilettes and soaps and other items to our Troops.It's one thing to have a yellow ribbon on your car that says Support Our Troops! It's another to get out there and REALLY do so!
Cheating at the Scale
You'd think that, at my age, I would know better than to place a scale on carpet!For the last three days I have used it there and finally today it wigged out seriously!I decided to place it on tile flooring for accuracy and sure enough-I was lying to myself the last three days!At least now I have a good accurate measure to go by and won't put the scale on the carpet again!
Motherly Love
I just dawned on my, yesterday, that my mother knows nothing of me!She hasn't taken much interest in my life since I have returned to the states after nine and a half years of Serving my Country overseas.In fact, for a few days, she had driven up to the house I and my then husband-(now Ex) lived, for a visit. My Ex brought out one of many photo albums to show some photos to my mother. After the forth page, Not Album but PAGE, she said she didn't want to see anymore and her excuse was so she didn't have to turn her head! How lame is that!I always knew I was the Black Sheep middle child in the family, but yesterday I realized that this woman, who gave birth to me, doesn't have the foggiest notion what my favorite movie, band, food, city etc is!You know the Email that went around to friends to help get to know each other had lines like my favorite place and my favorite music. Well she has no idea and yet I can just about guarantee she knows most of those answers of my older sister and younger brother.I have tried many times to open up communication and break the rift between us, but all I got was a raise hand flicking me and the air off.I have decided that I have done my best and given her every opportunity when all she has done is nub me.I can sleep well a night knowing I have done my best, but I will not allow her to call me names and shoot me down anytime I talk. Thus I hung up on her over a month ago which of course was the last time we spoke.I wouldn't take that from a stranger nor a friend so I damned well won't take it from family when they should be more loving and considerate in the first place.
My Weightloss Motivation
That's right I'm working out and loosing weight!It's about time!I gained 35lbs in 2000, after my back surgery and being laid up for six weeks. Nothing like going to put on some jeans you haven't worn in six weeks only to find they don't fit! Real Deal is to get back into them!So, just like my VA Nutritionist said, I hung a pair of them right underneath my scale and they are in a place where I see them often during the day!They certainly are keeping me motivated and any of you who are looking to lose some weight I recommend this! Buy a nice piece of clothing if you haven't got something like I do on hand! Hang it where you will see it often and I guarantee it will keep you motivated.Of course it is only day 3, but I certainly feel good about it!
Back On The Wagon After Falling Off!
YUP!I had stopped exercising around Thanksgiving, don't know why; but I kicked it into gear and began again today!Boy! How great it feels to Dis-the Couch potato in me!Not only did I do some weight training and treadmill...I took an evening stroll around my extended neighborhood!I like it so much I think I'll do it again tomorrow!
The Joy of Having a Tendency Towards OCD
I know I have a tendency towards OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder...Because I find myself doing something and at the same time cleaning something else I find and multi-tasking in this was with never losing sight of the original task.Attention to Detail is what the Navy calls it and even trains you to be this way in Boot Camp.I like a house that is organized and has a low level of entropy. I ALWAYS know where my car keys are and how much butter is in the fridge.I have now found that I enjoy my mornings better with simplicity. Because of this I have begun to set out my medications, vitamins and the plethora of food supplements I take, in the evening so they are ready for me in the morning. I used to clean the dishes in the evening and put them away in the morning. Now, before bed, I put them away. This has given me less to do in my morning and has brought a simple joy to embrace the new day and take time to smell and enjoy my coffee or tea. What a nice way to begin the day, I don't know why it took so long to figure it out!
Them Crazy Republicans!
I was attending a wedding reception today. Many of the attendees, like myself, are veterans and members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.Sitting alongside my Comrades and their wives, I chatted with the best of them and then suddenly one wife began asking me questions if I had yet written my Congressmen regarding the political plans to reduce aid to the vets for VA etc..I said I had not yet done so and we then began discussing policies that lead into politics and it didn't take long for me to be singled out as the only democrat at the table with devout Republicans that actually pride themselves on voting for the murderous traitor in office.Once I realized this I began smiling and keeping my mouth shut. This reality began when they wrongly began the name calling of a Draftdodger regarding Clinton when GeeDuya Bush was the Dodger!Of course they started the blame of how so and so newsman was fired and how the files were proven wrong and yet there are plenty to stats to prove it all correct.Well...I know what battles to fight and when to pull my army back and this was a time to pull back and smile!Too bad there are so many of these idiots out there that don't yet recognize the villain in office, though his points are on the down fall!We can only hope we get the troops back before he begins the heavy slid down!
My Best Friend & Stuffed Mushrooms
My Dear Best Friend was there for me when I needed a place to stay for a few months.The economy had gone into the toilet back in '89 and by '90 I had not prospects left and was working under the table at odd jobs.Cinders took me in and I began my plans to join the military. After trying with the Marine Corps, who wouldn't take me since I was way over their enlistment age of 28, I went with the Navy.I was a DEP-Delayed Entry Program because I chose an AEF-Advanced Electronic Field.So I kept working odd jobs and lived with Cinders and her #1 Girl!She always had wonderful meal ideas and one night she made the most awesome Stuffed mushrooms!I LOVE mushrooms and had never had stuff ones before! WOW! They were delicious!Well...Cinders is going through some health issues and I decided I wanted to do something to make her feel close to me!I made stuffed mushrooms last night! I put my heart into making them and WOW! were they fantastic! I marveled at myself for creating a delightful recipe, as that I didn't have the prescribed ingredients, so I altered it and they were great! I think they were so good because my Dear friend was with spirit at least!Cinders! I hope you felt the Love and Joy last night!
So The North Korean's Admit To Having Nukes-Who Didn't See That One Coming!
If GeeDubya would have gotten off is high horse and done something about this two years ago when we knew they were working on this, it would never have gotten to this point!
I now fear the damage is beyond control!
North Korea having Nukes is much worse than what we have recently experienced, in the world, with Mother Nature!
Vet Muster at Oregon State Capitol Building in Salem
The State of Oregon has many Legislators who work hard for the rights of Vets. In this day and age with the War in Iraq, it is nice to know so many young Vets will have it better than the WWII & Korean Vets who began leaning on legislators with the policies we now have in place. Oregon is one of only three States that has a Mortgage Tax Reform for Vets. There are many Bills our State Legislators are bringing to the table to increase educational, medical and other benefits. As a Disabled Vet I promote these new Bills, if not for myself, for those who are still carrying on the fight for freedom and justice.
Played Catch With The Neighborhood Kids
I had some fun last night playing catch with the neighborhood kids!
Funny there was no screaming for once!
I just happened to be letting my cat inside, when I saw a couple of young Middle School and Freshman High School boys playing catch with a football.
They were so good that I went out and watched and all the little kids came up to me to chat.
As I chatted with them I kept watching these boys and, when I got a chance, I asked them if they planned to go out for football at school.
They hemmed and hawed at it and I suggested they do because they showed true capability in the game.
GOSH! They lit up and wound up playing til dark and then I told them, while setting up the little youngsters to race each other to a streetlight, how there is a beeping golf ball so the blind can play the game and how they need to come up with some type of football that glows so you can play at night and sure enough the boys leave and return with a glow in the dark football!
I have to say it was marvelous to be out there watching this constructive play and fun in these kids!
I hope it lasts!
I Keep My Home in a Low Entropy State
I have had enough of the stresses in life.
Being on a Disability Retirement from the Navy, I do my best to keep my home in a low entropy state.
That means everything has a place and is organized and mellow.
I keep it this way and find it more relaxing and peaceful.
To add to this state, I use plenty of incense and I have a water chime that creates a delicate tinkling sound.
I use a machine at night, while sleeping that makes sounds of the forest, wind, ocean or a few others.
This all adds to reducing stress in my living environment and I recommend you all try something like this.
Reducing your household entropy state will increase your personal joy and reduce stress.
We all can use a little less stress in our lives, don't you think!
Super Bowl Sunday
I can't say I have watched any of the football games this year.
So I am not inclined to watch the Super Bowl.
I was stationed overseas for many, many years and the Super Bowl was/is Very Big!
It is a way that we as Americans can celebrate our Americanism in our Sport of football!
So it became a special thing to have a Super Bowl Party and watch the game.
This means, with the time difference, watching the game into the wee hours of the morning.
Many Commands and I did this is my shop, set it up so that those watching the game could come in late, at noon.
Then the others who didn't, like myself, would leave work at noon when the Super Bowlers and their red eyes would arrive!
The only game I stayed up late to see, while overseas, was the Masters Golf Tournament.
The Groundhog Saw His Shadow
The Groundhog saw his shadow today and yet our weather here in the Pacific Northwest is wonderful.
So if we are in for six more weeks of winter, well if it is winter like we are having then...Sure!
Sorry for you folks in the East, but then I am certain you are used to it or you'd have moved long ago!
Another Month Bites the Dust!
Gosh, I must be getting old!
They say you notice time speed up when you get older and it certainly seems that way lately!
I remember when I was a kid and would pray for the day to end so I could get to the next day, because of some great event.
Nowadays I relish each and every moment and have found I would rather not waste my time.
That goes for listening to drivel.
I choose not to be run down on family members who choose to have a Pity Party and whine about their problems and ailments.
Get over it or get a Psychiatrist!
If I can't do anything about it then why tell me!
I don't need to waste any moment on things in the past. I want to deal with the now and how I can improve on it!
I want to make my NOW the best it can be and I hope you find a way to do so too!